In addition to avoiding annoying late penalties and interest charges, paying your credit card account on time is essential for maintaining a high credit score. To choose what works best for you, you can pay your credit card bills online or offline. Explore our in-depth guide to learn easy, step-by-step strategies for handling your monthly payments with assurance and simplicity!
Online methods
One of the simplest ways to pay your debts is to use your net banking account to pay your credit card bill. You must register your credit card in your current net banking account and pay the bill immediately if you have a savings account with the credit card provider.
Immediate Payment Service, or IMPS, is a round-the-clock online funds transfer system that enables customers to send and receive money, pay bills, and settle debts. It is accessible via SMS, branches, ATMs, and mobile devices.
Through the online banking account of any other bank, NEFT enables the payment of credit card bills to a designated bank. You must add your credit card as a "Biller or Beneficiary" to use NEFT to pay invoices. To add your credit card as a beneficiary, you will need to provide information like your credit card number, cardholder name, bank name, branch, address, and IFSC code for credit card payments.
Offline methods
You can pay your credit card bills by phoning the customer service numbers provided by some banks. To pay your credit card bill, you must call the customer service number if your bank account and credit card are issued by the same company.
You can pay your credit card bill by walking to the bank's ATM if you have a debit card from your bank or credit card provider.
You can deposit a demand draft (DD) or check made payable to the credit card account at any ATM or bank branch. The payment will be processed in three business days if the credit card issuer and the check are the same. It will take approximately five working days if they differ. Outstation cheques will require 12 to 21 days.
Knowing these online and offline methods will help in better payment of credit card bills.